Women’s Circles
You are invited into a circle of unconditional approval and positive regard.
This is a space where you are trusted to be your own authority, where no advice giving or caretaking is necessary. Each one of us is a unique Channel of Divine Expression. And yet, what a relief to learn our journeys and our learnings are not so unique.
Come heal the illusion of separation that causes our suffering. Come celebrate the joy of not being alone, and the medicine in hearing yourself in another woman’s truth.
Together, we remember Who We Are. Together, we walk each other home. Together, we have fun on the road!

Women’s Circle
New Cycles. New Sisterhood. New Women’s Circle.
Welcoming ALL our expressions into the Circle.

Women’s Circle
New Cycles. New Sisterhood. New Women’s Circle.
Welcoming ALL our expressions into the Circle.

Women’s Circle
New Cycles. New Sisterhood. New Women’s Circle.
Welcoming ALL our expressions into the Circle.

Women’s Circle
New Cycles. New Sisterhood. New Women’s Circle.
Welcoming ALL our expressions into the Circle.

Women’s Circle
New Cycles. New Sisterhood. New Women’s Circle.
Welcoming ALL our expressions into the Circle.

Women’s Circle
New Cycles. New Sisterhood. New Women’s Circle.
Welcoming ALL our expressions into the Circle.