• The S.H.I.F.T.E.D Method™

    The S.H.I.F.T.E.D Method™ follows the natural arc between Trauma Healing and Spiritual Awakening.

  • Intimacy & Pleasure Coaching

    Unlearn your defenses to Love and heal your body, mind and heart through Orgasmic Union!

  • Women's Circles

    Together, we remember Who We Are. Together, we walk each other home. Together, we have fun on the road!

  • Pleasurable Parenting

    This is not another program for perfect parenting. Release the pressure, be yourself and find your happiness in this relationship (which, btw, makes for happy children).

  • Conscious Uncoupling + Coparenting

    It only takes one committed parent to have a miracle! Your kids, your heart, your bank account, (and your future lover) will thank you!

  • Empowered Young Adult Coaching

    Begin your life connected to your truth (and save decades of disconnected pursuits)

  • Special Needs & Medical Trauma Support

    Because you don't want to be coached by someone who hasn't been there. I know, because I have.

  • A Course In Miracles Coaching

    A year long meditation & coaching program for those ready to wake up from the Matrix!

  • Trans-Photography™

    Be transfigured through the lens of a professional portrait photographer focused on seeing Your Divinity.

The S.H.I.F.T.E.D. Method™

We understand now that trauma is the result of ANY experience we find overwhelming, and as a coping strategy, we dissociate from our feelings, and our authenticity.

Created by Aubrie Woods

Underneath the myriad traumatic experiences, is the original spiritual trauma from which we all suffer: the misbelief that we have been disconnected from our Divine Source and are incomplete and alone. The result is an exhausting pursuit to fill our longing, prove our worth, and find safety. Not until we stop this madness, are still and turn within, will we find what we are seeking. We must unlearn what is not working, release our conditioning and listen to the truth within us.

Trauma is healed through reconnection with ourselves, our truth, and the Source of Love within us. Through radical honesty and unconditional approval, you rebuild safety, trust and intimacy with yourself and others, release your fears, expand your worthiness to receive, and allow your inner truth to guide you.  As you integrate disowned aspects, you reclaim the full expression of who you are, a highly spiritual and sexual being with a peaceful mind, a joyful heart and unlimited creative power.

Intimacy & Pleasure Coaching

Love heals all wounds, but you have to let it in first.

This isn’t easy when your heart has been broken and you’ve put up a guarded fortress to protect it. It becomes a game of seek and hide. You will never stop seeking love, no matter how you may convince yourself otherwise. (Oh heavens, you should’ve heard my defiant story of not needing or believing in love, as a modern independent woman post two divorces!) But all I was doing was hiding from myself, hiding from my desires, hiding my love away, and hiding from being loved by others.

Intimacy comes from the brave decision to vulnerably reveal yourself. One of the most profound practices is unveiling what you want to cover up, in the form of “sharing your withholds” with each other. Withholding usually looks like you trying to “be cool”. A voice inside that says you will screw this up if you tell the truth. Sometimes it’s tricky and will say you are protecting the other persons feelings. But it’s always about protecting yourself from feeling vulnerable.

Your vulnerability is the key to your intimacy.

Love cannot penetrate you without it. Your courage is rewarded with liberation from painful, limiting stories, the healing power of love renewing and re-wiring your pathways, and tender, passionate, orgasmic union beyond imagination.

It’s not about deserving, earning or finding love, it’s about practicing it. All we need to do is unlearn the ways we’ve been hiding from it, and love will find you, I promise, and sweep you off your feet. Maybe even at first sight, even if you don’t believe in that, like I didn’t, until it happened to me…AFTER I felt and forgave my past grievances, releasing me from my fears of the future, and bringing me into the present, available to meet the love of my life who was standing right before me. This isn’t hard work, it’s brave work, and the rewards are out of this world, the juiciest pleasures of heaven on earth.

Pleasurable Parenting

“Most feel it, but lock it away in shame, the feeling of suffering through parenting.”

We dare not say it, but often think it, "I love my children, but I hate being a parent (except when they're sleeping).” That was my shameful secret, haunting and hurting my self esteem and relationship with my children, until I finally came clean to my coach Kyle Mercer, c0-author of Stop Parenting.

Of all the roles in society, mothers are projected on and stereotyped the most. Our greatest fear is to be a "bad mother".

We lose ourselves in who we think we "should" be, and life becomes heavy and joyless under this pressure. Not to mention the activation of latent ancestral trauma, trapping us in cycles we promised we would never repeat.

Parenting is a fire that can either burn us down, or draw out our impurities to set us free.

We're not meant to do this alone.

What feels heavy and hidden dissolves into mist when brought to the airy Light of awareness and forgiveness. Perspective shifts combined with emotional release can change everything.

You can relax and be yourself in this relationship, when you clear the misunderstanding that you are responsible for them. (Say What?!)

You might even start enjoying their unique genius. They might even start being responsible for themselves. And together, we might start breaking the patterns of codependency and narcissism that we're raising humans to play out in response to society's pressure on mothers to be over-responsible for their family.

Conscious Uncoupling & Coparenting

The key is forgiveness and generosity. It’s the last thing you’re feeling, I know, because I’ve walked this path with 2 kids and an ex who I was sure would burn the house down if I left. Even if your situation feels impossible, (which it likely does if you’re here), even if you’re uncoupling with a narcissistic tyrant you’re afraid of, there is hope for you and your children.

The straight up truth is that forgiveness creates miracles of healing and a perspective shift that is unfathomable from where you stand now.

Use your break-up for your breakthrough in empowerment. The opportunities for breaking up with old patterns and starting a fresh new mindset are endless, but you must let go of the past. Free your heart to live and love again. Free your children from unnecessary karma, drama and pain. Your little deposits of kindness will grow and yield a return that will pay forward a more peaceful future for all of you. It’s worth it. This “tragedy” can be transformed into a triumph of learning, growth and healing for the entire family.

Empowered Young Adult Coaching

By the age of 15 I was clinically diagnosed with depression and prescribed medication. By 16 I was in and out of drug rehab, and working a 12-step program. It took me another decade to uncover repressed non-consensual sexual experiences as a teenager that triggered my depression and substance abuse, playing out in denial and blindness, which lead me into a young marriage with an older narcissist who continued to violate my boundaries.

My voice was weak, though I appeared to be just the opposite; an anti-social rebel and bisexual fashion model in the underground rock-n-roll scene.

I'd grown a tough skin to protect my sensitive, wounded heart. This made it hard to hear my inner guidance, and susceptible to outer influence and manipulation by those with less than loving intentions for my highest good.

Though my life looked successful from the outside, married with a glamorous career and social life, I was living someone else's desire's, and disconnected from my truth and power. After helping a loved one kick a heroin addiction, I had a nervous breakdown, my body became ill, and I was prone to panic attacks. Thus began my journey back home to myself through counseling. If I had the tools I have now, after decades of healing and education, I would have made very different choices as a young woman.

If I had skilled counselor to help me be somatically aware and listen to my body's truth, to help me recognize and release repressed trauma, and a safe space to have a voice and hear myself, I could've saved myself from decades of hard lessons and grief. The pressure on our young adults is enormous, exponentially greater than what we experienced! Having tools to turn within, contact your inner guide (who guards your well-being), and clear the trauma of growing up with the current social conditioning, can alter the course of a life. This generation is powerful, insightful, and brilliant, and with a safe guide facilitating trust in their inner resources and genius, they can live empowered, healthy, joyful lives right out of the gate!

Special Needs & Medical Trauma Support

It's hard taking advice from someone who has no idea what you're going through. And if you haven't been through something like this, it feels like you live on another planet. It can feel isolating and angering. People and priorities you once felt connected to, now seem petty. What you would give to have the "problems" you had before this. Inside you are screaming, wailing, and you want to run away, but you have to show up like never before and "be the strong one".

You know you need to take care of yourself in order to take care of your loved one. Good luck with that, on your schedule of responsibilities. You need emotional triage, with someone who can hold the spectrum of tender, intense and "shameful" feelings, with total acceptance and understanding. Everything is forgiven here. You are an unsung hero, in your chaos, mess, mistakes and undying love in action. There IS a way out of this, and it's not what you think. Nelson Mandela found freedom in incarceration. Your release is not found from out where you may be fantasizing about it being, but within. Welcome to Earth Schools Advanced Program for Higher Spiritual Learning. There is hope for a happy life here.

A Course In Miracles Coaching

How often it’s been said that there’s no manual for life on Earth. Turns out there is: a very trippy massive masterpiece that completely undoes our painful conditioning of scarcity, separation and suffering.

It flips an upsidown planet right side up by speaking to the Spirit within us that remembers Who We Are and where we came from, essentially God. It washes all the brainwashing of our ego’s lies out of our minds with the Light of the truth. It feels like a soothing bath of peace, rest, and remembrance of the Love that Is. It corrects all the misunderstandings and projections we throw outside of ourselves, onto each other and onto the world, and wakes us up from this nightmare we’ve created in our minds eye. It’s a game-changer. The world will never look the same.

A bright and beautiful light will shine upon it, filling your heart with peace, certainty, and happiness at long last. It is a homecoming. We are all going there, down the infinite paths there are to it.

There is no one right path. But there are fast lanes.

If you have grown weary of this game of seek but do not find, if you are ready to stop exhausting yourself down another road outside of yourself, and come home to the Voice for truth within you, then the meditations and revelations in this book will help you, and quickly! In only 365 days of delicious daily resting your overactive and fearful mind, you can time travel and leap forward a thousand years of long ass karmic repetition. This is a grace pass, a fast past. Is a year really so long to leap through a wormhole of ecstatic liberation from this sleeping nightmare of your illusions? Where will you be a year from now if you keep trodding along with your “to do” list of goals? Will you really be that much further along in your growth? Will you get as far as the existential awakening that is available to you through a dedicated practice of meditation and inspired reading?

There is a Voice inside of you that is waiting to be heard. Once you hear it, you will never want to live without it. You will crave its sweet nectar daily, because it will transport you above your worries and into Divine Communion with the Source of everything you seek. When you know this, you will never seek outside of yourself again. You will tap into overflowing abundance, and miracles will pour through you. Life will become an exciting adventure of synchronicities, Divine appointments, and possibilities beyond your wildest dreams. You will remember your purpose here and no longer be afraid, or feel alone. You will know we are One, and fall in Love with everybody. Miracles of healing will ripple out into all of your relationships, and life will be the dance of Joy it was created to be. Come with me. I devour this book daily like chocolate ecstasy. It has transformed my life, lifted me up and out of a nightmare I believed I was trapped in, and created a whole new life that I am living in ecstatic pleasure, love, intimacy, and Divine connection on the daily. The sky is the limit. I wonder what the miracles will be for you, when you commit?

TransPhotography Portraiture

The Divine In Me Sees The Divine In You

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